Land RecordOrissa Land Record

How to check Bhulekh Orissa Khatian & ROR Land Record (Free)

Land records in the state of Odisha are also known as Record of Rights (ROR) or Khatian. Now, without leaving your home, you can easily find out information about the land record of any piece of land, which is also called Khatian.

How to check Bhulekh Orissa Khatian and ROR Land Record

Before you buy or sell any land, it’s really important to check the Land Record of that land. Land records can tell you what type of land it actually is, whether it’s agricultural land, land owned by the local village council (Gram Panchayat), or even unused land. Moreover, the true owner of the land and its exact size is also provided in the land record.

In the past, if you wanted to know about the ownership of a piece of land, you had to go to the revenue office, stand in long lines, and submit an application letter. This process was time-consuming. That’s why the Odisha government decided to digitize the land records for all the states. So in this article, we will be discussing how you can check the land ( Khatian) and ownership details for any property in the state of Orissa.

Check Bhulekh Orissa Khatian & ROR

Step 1: Open any browser on your mobile phone, laptop, or computer. Then on the search bar, you will have to type ‘Bhulekh Orissa’ and then just click on the first link that appears on the search results. But to make this step even simpler you can just click on the link mentioned here.

Land Records Web Portal of Odisha –

Step 2: Once you click on the above link you will be redirected to the official website of the land records web portal of Orissa. Now here you will have to select a few of your details. So you will have to select your district, tahasil, village, and your RI circle.

Now you can either select your Khatian number, plot number, or tenant number. So select anyone according to your choice and convenience. Here for the article, we will be selecting the Khatian number. Once you have selected it correctly just click on the ‘View ROR’ button. 

Check Bhulekh Orissa Khatian and ROR Step 2

Step 3: Now, you will see both the front page and the back page of your Khatian or Record of Rights (ROR) right in front of you.

If you want, you can also print out the page by clicking on the Print option below. If you click on the Pay Land Revenue option, you can find out about your land revenue. Clicking on the Khatiyan page option will take you back to the page where you initially entered your Khatiyan number. If you need to find a Plot number or Tanet number, you can do that too. You can also access your ROR by entering the necessary details.

Check Bhulekh Orissa Khatian and ROR Step 3

So this is how you can easily check the land records for any property in the state of Orissa. Now here you can check your own land details or if you are buying or if you are interested in buying or investing in some other land then you can check the land details of it as well. 

This data is public and hence you can view the land details of any land in Orissa. You have to remember that this record is only for information purposes and not for any legal use. If you want an authorized copy then you will have to physically visit your respective Tehsil office. 

For that, you will have to officially apply to the revenue department. We have now covered the detailed step-by-step process for checking your land and ownership details for the state of Orissa. So make sure that you do not skip any step in order to avoid any obstacles. We hope that you found this article helpful and if you did, do not forget to share this article with your friends and family so that even they can benefit from it!

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